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6 October City recent comments:

  • October Hills 1, ahmed (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    looks nice :)
  • منطقه 18 أسكان الشباب الأستثمارى, kesma (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    this is my area :D
  • Building 101, جمال سالم (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    عمارة المحاسب جمال سالم
  • مدرسة النصر التجريبية للغات, khattab73 wrote 12 years ago:
    اية ارقام تليفونات المدرسة؟
  • قطعة 504, د أحمد صلاح (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    الارض ملك الدكتور احمد صلاح
  • West Park, اسامة مرسي (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    حي الورود
  • Industrial Zone 4, hd (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
  • رقم 4, magdy (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    شقة الستشار مجدى بيومى
  • 3mara 9a mgawra 1 el 7ay el sabe3 6 october city, Yehia (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
  • Juhayna Square, mimi2004_2004 wrote 12 years ago:
    ميدان جهينه
  • VILLA TAREK MOHAMED SOLIMAN 2297, TAREK MOHAMED SOLIMAN (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
  • Gohar's Skin and Sexual Health Clinic - عيادة د/ عمرو جوهر , حسن عبد الخالق (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    السلام عليكم أرجو أن تكون الرسائل باللغة العربية مع الشكر
  • Pegas Nonwovens, egyptian_89 wrote 12 years ago:
    I always wanted to know what is the name of this factory as it seems is so huge :)
  • Mountain View October Park, user (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    why this land shape doesn't match the shape of the layout in your sales bruchor drawings ?
  • عمارة رقم 17, ahmedsaad1978 wrote 12 years ago:
    شقة د أحمد سعد رقم 7أ عمارة17
  • منزل الاستاذ خالد فراج و ابنه يوسف والعائله(هاجر وساره)؟؟, hamdi (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
  • 363 Al Hussien Area, Mostafa (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    363 Al Hussien Area
  • protection for contracting psc, mido (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    PSC - Protection Specialist Contractors
  • الاسكان الحر التمويل العقارى, مرتضى عبد الله (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    جنوب الاحياء 34 قطعة اسكان متميز فاخر قطعة 12 ملك المستشار مرتضى عبد الله
  • Rayos Compound, amrelkholy wrote 12 years ago: